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Gp Capt Bob Dixon OBE

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of our Honorary EAC Board Member and former EAC Executive Bob Dixon OBE, following a short illness.

Bob will be remembered by many for his time with EAC starting from the it’s origins in the first meeting of 2000, until he stepped down from the Board in 2014. Bob joined the Royal Air Force, serving for over 40 years, as a logistics specialist with a particular interest in transportation, fuels and explosives. Leaving the RAF as a Group Captain (Colonel), he then commanded a Reserve Air Force Squadron before accepting the challenge of working with the EAC on a part-time basis.

He was appointed as the Executive of the EAC with responsibility to the Board for all aspects of its activities and particularly the planning and organisation of annual Conventions. Outside of EAC Bob was involved with the organisation of Airshows and many other aviation events over many years in the UK and mainland Europe, including the Royal International Air Tattoo.

Despite stepping down from the board, he retained his connections with the EAC in an honorary capacity, providing advice and guidance and utilising his vast experience and knowledge. A kind, caring and polite individual he acted as mentor, confidante and above all a friend to many in the airshow community.

Our thoughts, warm wishes and love are with his wife Sue, who joined in with many of his aviation adventures, not least EAC.

Blue Skies dear friend, fly safe on your next adventure.

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