One of the main feedback points of feedback across this years EAC Convention, was the need for greater unity and sharing with aviation regulators. We have been working to achieve a meeting, to bring different national authorities together, which we are pleased to announce will see the inaugural meeting take place virtually in April.

EAC Board Member Joerg Thurnheer, who is also a member of the Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation, will be leading the meeting and progressing work amongst the regulators from across the continent. Invites will be sent directly to those responsible for airshows and display flying within national CAA's.
The new meeting group known as the European Airshow Regulators Meeting (EARM) will look at a range of topics regarding air displays and display flying from regulation to safety. While in its early stages we look forward to the meeting growing as new member NAA's join. This is a closed meeting group, solely for each nations regulators to gather and discuss the pertinent topics and developing collaborative approaches to airshow safety in the future.